Infected Class

Infected beings are bioengineered entities, capable of spreading viral contagions and unleashing biological warfare.



  • Infected Rifle: A rifle modified to harness the infectious properties of the Infected class. It fires specialized rounds infused with a viral agent that spreads upon impact, infecting enemies with a debilitating pathogen.
  • Infected Pistol: A compact sidearm engineered to deliver potent doses of the Infected's viral payload.
  • Infected Gas Launcher: A specialized launcher that disperses clouds of infectious gas, contaminating the battlefield and infecting enemies caught within its radius.


  • Corrosive Flask: A throwable container of corrosive liquid that damages and slows enemies caught in its splash radius.
  • Infected Spore Bomb: Releases a cloud of infectious spores that linger in the air, infecting enemies and causing them to take damage over time.
  • Acidic Grenade: A grenade filled with acidic solution that melts through armor and flesh upon detonation.
  • Toxic Cloud Canister: Releases a canister of toxic gas that forms a hazardous cloud upon impact, damaging and disorienting enemies within its radius.
Infected Class